What Trout Eat

Eight 30” x 72” rewritten, reillustrated and redesigned signs on the natural food items
that trout in stocked lakes find to eat when they arrive from the hatchery will be installed
at Muir Lake later in August. These displays also include spin and fly fishing tips for
imitating the minnows and bugs at each stage of their lifecycle. They will replace the
signs installed there about 20 years ago that were part of the national award winning
‘Muir Lake project’.

For a preview of what’s on the signs and the background to this project check out
Northern Lights website at What Trout Eat There’s also a link there acknowledging all
those involved in creating these displays.

Northern Lights has now started work on creating an expanded digital version of the
information on the signs to be advertised as freely available to any individual or
organization interested in using it for educational purposes. The digital version will be
rewritten in part to align more closely with the Alberta Education Program of Studies for
Outdoor Education and will contain links to a wide range of additional, more detailed
information. Any feedback and suggestions on how you think the material might be
improved – additional information, photos, illustrations, links, changes, etc – would be
much appreciated (nlft.tu@gmail.com)

Should you wish to use any or all of these displays for educational purposes about the
stocked trout lakes in your area, Northern Lights has waived any copyright permission.
We would, however, be interested in hearing from you about where and how you use