Our new look
Michael Dell
Tie some flies for Kids can Catch
Arctic Grayling volunteer angling survey
North Saskatchewan River Walleye Study
Fishing on the NSR – CBC radio interview

Our new look

In November, 2024 Trout Unlimited Canada rebranded to Freshwater Conservation Canada!   This exciting rebranding reflects our continued dedication to protecting Canada’s precious freshwater ecosystems, including our beloved streams, rivers, and lakes. With a fresh look and name, Freshwater Continue reading Our new look

Northern Lights Fly Fishers Riparian Protection update – just doing what we were asked to do? Maybe not!

Trout Unlimited Canada, now rebranded as Freshwater Conservation Canada, has a policy, #10-03, that says,: “Chapters should strive to maintain and restore a watershed’s stream corridor / riparian systems and channel structure . . . ” Continue reading Northern Lights Fly Fishers Riparian Protection update – just doing what we were asked to do? Maybe not!