In 2002 the Fisheries Enhancement Society of Alberta (FESA) was formed with the initial goal of re-establishing Muir Lake in Parkland County as a stocked trout fishery. The Society was comprised of members from four Edmonton Organizations: Edmonton Trout Fishing Club, Northern Lights Fly Tyers, Edmonton Old Timers Fishing Club and Trout Unlimited Edmonton.
FESA members raised money to purchase and install lake aeration equipment, cleared brush, dug trenches for burying the electrical cable and negotiated with the Alberta Fish and Wildlife for a rainbow trout stocking program with special regulations to create a ‘Quality’ fishery. An Education Centre was established with a number of signs illustrating the different life forms on which trout feed and the fly patterns used to imitate them. Also the Alberta Angler Walk of Fame was set up with signs honouring Dr. Martin Paetz, Lloyd Shea and George and Joan Mitchell for their contributions to recreational angling in the province.
The site officially opened on May 14, 2004 and quickly became a popular fishery. In 2007 the founding president of FESA, Tim Doskoch, was awarded a National Recreational Fisheries Award by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for the Muir Lake Project.
A few years later the Alberta Conservation Association (ACA) took over responsibility for the aeration and FESA persuaded Alberta Fish and Wildlife to add brown trout to the annual stocking of Muir.
By 2019 some of the signs were fading and showing significant signs of wear. Northern Lights Fly Fishers Chapter of Trout Unlimited Canada, with financial support from Edmonton Trout Club and Edmonton Oldtimers Fishing Club, decided to replace them. With design assistance from ACA the Welcome sign was updated and replaced in May 2020. Walk of Fame signs for Martin Paetz and Lloyd Shea have been reworked, Barry Mitchell has been added to the Mitchell family sign and new signs added for Reg Denny and for Don Andersen. Family members of the honourees were involved in the wording and picture selection where possible and ACA again donated its expertise for the art work. These signs should be completed and installed by Lil Johns Sign Shop by August 2020. Work is also underway to recreate the Education Sign on mayflies that suffered water damage.
Below are the proofs for the new Walk of Fame Signs. (Click the image to enlarge)