Meetings will be held at 7:30 pm (mountain) on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Informal Fly Tying sessions will be on the first and third Wednesdays.
Joining a meeting
Click this link to start the meeting, or start your zoom client, click the “Join a meeting button” and enter our meeting id 668 142 7482. The meeting password is 306090.
Audio Connection
If do not have audio capability on your device (no speakers/headset) you can join the call by telephone line. Dial +1 587 328 1099 and enter 668 142 7482 for the meeting ID. This is a Calgary number, so long distance charges may apply.
Getting Started
Zoom works on a desktop computer or laptop that has a microphone and speakers, Apple phones and ipads, Android phones and tablets. It is best to install the free ‘zoom cloud meetings’ app or software, and you don’t need to sign up or even supply email address to join the meetings. Zoom downloads can be found on this page
Tips if you have poor image or sound quality
- Close other apps that are running on your device.
- For mobile devices, move closer to your wifi router.
- Try a different camera or microphone
Other Tips
- Keep your microphone muted unless you are speaking. The meeting moderator may mute all microphones if there is too much noise.
- Turn on your video so others can see you and create the virtual face to face experience.
- There is a Gallery button, so you can see everyone in the meeting at the same time, toggle the button to see just the person who is currently speaking.