Grayling Survey update

The working committee has been busy planning the activities related to the Grayling Survey.  Some of the highlights include:

  • Water temperature monitoring.  15 devices will be installed in streams the watershed to collect temperature data.  This data will be collected automatically on a time interval and will be downloaded to a computer for analysis.
  • Maps are being prepared showing target locations for the creel survey.
  • We will be collecting some tissue for genetic sampling.  Fin and scale samples will be collected.
  • GPS units will be used to record the locations where fish are caught.
  • Detailed instructions have been created fish measurement and genetics sampling.
  • Field kits with the sampling equipment for the fin collections/genetics study have been prepared.
  • A data form has been created to capture all the data that needs to be collected.
  • Suggested fly patterns have been collected.

Our next step is to assemble the anglers for a brief training session and start fishing!  The anglers information session will be held on July 12.   Watch for more details about the time and location.

This forum has been set up for discussion about the survey.