A number of people generously contributed their time and skills to the new What Trout Eat displays:
Photographers and Science Advisors:
- Rob Hinchliffe, NLFF member and Aquatic Invertebrate Taxonomist for the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, University of Alberta.
- Shona Derlukewich, Professional Biologist, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, and “School of Fish”.
Text and Project Co-Ordination:
- Peter Little, NLFF executive member
Life-Cycle Diagrams:
- Rob Hinchliffe, NLFF member and Aquatic Invertebrate Taxonomist, Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute, University of Alberta.
Copy Editing:
- Emmerson Dober, NLFF member
- Ken Monk, President, NLFF
- Michael Dell, NLFF executive member
- Tom Barker, ETFC member and Professor of Communication, Graduate Program in Communication and Technology, Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta.
- Junior High Students: Malakai Bryant, Ursula MacIntosh
Graphic Design:
- Charmaine Brunes, Graphic Designer, ACA
Fly Tiers:
- Dennis Southwick, NLFF member
- Florin Sabac, NLFF member
- Fred Noddin, Fish Monitoring Biologist, AEP, author and outdoorsman
- Michael Dell, NLFF executive member
- Peter Little, NLFF executive member
- Phil Rowley, ‘Phil Rowley Fly Fishing’
- Rob Hinchliffe, NLFF member, ‘TroutFodder’
- Stan Baron, NLFF member
- Tak Shimizu, NLFF member
- Bill Robertson, The Fishin’ Hole Ltd.
- Julien Morency / Sales Manager Brecks (re Mepps lures)
- Jessica Pallister-Dew, Marketing & Custom Manager, Thompson-Pallister Bait Co. Ltd.
- Lynn Schroter and Susan Debeurs, Lil Johns Sign Shop
This project is financially supported by the Alberta Conservation Association, Northern Lights Fly Fishers, and Edmonton Trout Fishing Club