Purchase Tickets
Congratulations to the cane rod raffle winner: H. Telford of Carseland, AB. Photos and story to come!
Support our club conservation efforts by purchasing tickets for a custom-built cane rod, supplied by Don Andersen at bamboorods.ca
Tickets 1 for $10.00; 3 for $20.00
Prize: Bamboo Fly Rod 7’6″ 4/5 wt. with case and aluminum tube. Value $1,500
Draw date June 1, 2022, Queen Mary Park Community Hall
Rod raffle revenues are one of the few sources of funds we have available to operate Northern Lights projects, especially during the past two years of the pandemic. During that time we have used these funds towards :
- Protecting 49 acres of riparian land along Dogpound Creek, one of Alberta’s popular brown trout fisheries
- Assisting ACA with the rehabilitation of Hasse Lake as a stocked trout fishery
- Replacing the Welcome Sign, upgrading and adding to the Alberta Angler Walk of Fame plaques, and redesigning and replacing the 8 Education Signs on what trout eat and related angling techniques at Muir Lake
- Developing a free digital edition of What Trout Eat for use by Outdoor Ed teachers and any individual or organization interested in using it for educational purposes
- Continued conservation work in the Upper Pembina Watershed, where Arctic Grayling are in peril.
- Conducting a walleye vulnerability study to help validate assumptions about walleye slot size parameters.
- Covering internet service, Zoom, and occasional speaker fees needed to allow us to provide information and a forum for our members and the public
We are hoping to expand our work in all these areas in 2022 and, as soon as health restrictions allow, to continue our work on introducing kids to fly-tying. We’ll also continue providing input to governments on ways to protect, enhance and promote recreational fishing.
Much of this work is dependent on the funding we can raise to cover expenses. . All of our work is voluntary and we rely on fund-raising to cover expenses. Please help by entering our raffle draw and encouraging family and angling buddies to do likewise.
Draw date June 1, 2022 License Number #583689
Tickets may only be purchased or sold within Alberta You must be at least 18 years of age to purchase raffle tickets